Sunday, June 10, 2007

Well...maybe not so finished...yet...

posted by Tim

I just emailed Susan. In the email I offered myself as a sacrifice for a BBQ if she becomes particularly annoyed with my request. This whole publishing process is amazing and directly engages you to scrutinize every possible last detail because nobody else is going to do it for you.

As I re-read the text tonight, plugging in the illustrations Susan had done, I found that we had many pages and visual lags where there were no illustrations to support and enhance the words. I just emailed her a list of suggestions for simple black and white illustrations. I'll find out soon if she wants to marinate me before putting me in the oven.

We've got time, though, for her to work on these new illustrations. I'll be back from Amsterdam on the 23rd and hope to get the proverbial design ball rolling by the beginning of July. (Paws, once again, crossed.)

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